Installing W3Speedster

Create a Directory for the Package

Navigate to the Project Root: Open your terminal and go to your Laravel project directory.
cd /path/to/your/project

Create a packages Directory: This directory will hold your custom packages.
mkdir packages

Add the Package Code: Inside the packages directory, create the necessary folder structure for the w3speedster package:
mkdir -p packages/w3speedster/w3speedster

Configure the Package in Composer

Open the composer.json File: This file is located in the root directory of your Laravel project. You can open it in any code editor (e.g., VS Code, Sublime Text).

Add the Repository Configuration: Add the following snippet to the repositories section of your composer.json file. If the repositories section does not exist, create it at the root level of the JSON structure:


  • type: Indicates that this is a package located in your local filesystem.
  • url: Specifies the path to the package directory.

Save the Changes: Once you’ve added the configuration, save the file.

Install the Package

Now, run the following commands in your terminal to install and set up the package:

Require the Package:

composer require w3speedster/w3speedster:1.0.0

This command tells Composer to install the package from the specified path. It will handle dependencies and autoload the package into your project.

Run the Package Installer:

php artisan w3speedster:install

This Artisan command will set up the package within your Laravel application, performing tasks such as:

  • Publishing configuration files.
  • Running migrations (if applicable).
  • Any other setup tasks defined by the package.

Verification and Final Steps

Confirm Installation:

  • Check the composer.json file under the require section to ensure w3speedster/w3speedster is listed.
  • Verify that the package files have been autoloaded by Composer (you may find them under vendor/composer/autoload_*).

Test the Installation:

  • Ensure that the package’s functionality is accessible.
  • Refer to the package’s documentation or run php artisan to see if the package’s commands are registered.

Clear and Cache Configurations (Optional):

  • Clear the application cache to avoid conflicts:
    php artisan cache:clear
  • Refresh the Composer autoload files:
    composer dump-autoload