W3speedster Inner JS Customize

Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your inline JavaScript, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in Inline JavaScript (for instance making changes in inline script you have to enter the unique text from the script to identify the script). Parameter: $script_text- The content of the script. Return: $script_text – Content of […]

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Optimize pages when User Logged In

Enabling this option will optimize pages even when a user is logged in. Use this feature with caution, as it may affect the performance of dynamic or personalized content for logged-in users. Ensure that the optimization does not interfere with user-specific functionalities or content. […]

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Load Combined Javascript

Load the minified and combined js ‘on page load’ or ‘after page load’. Use after page load to score better on google page speed insights or other speed tools. However please use the ‘after page load’ option very carefully. […]

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Load Critical CSS

The W3Speedster Plugin generates Critical CSS which loads upfront and let all css files to load to user interaction enabling faster loading of the page. […]

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What exactly does W3Speedster do?

W3Speedster is a WordPress performance optimization plugin with many features: CDN Integration HTML Caching Optimize images Lazy Loading WebP Support Minify CSS Minify JavaScript Defer parsing of JavaScript Serve scaled images Avoid CSS @import Exclusions Debug Site Google Fonts Optimization Delay JS Uninstalling W3Speedster W3Speedster can be uninstalled in two ways: from the plugins page […]

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Minify HTML

Enabling HTML minification reduces the size of your HTML files by removing unnecessary characters, such as whitespace, comments, and line breaks, without affecting the functionality or appearance of the content. This results in faster page load times and improved site performance by decreasing the amount of data that needs to be transferred between the server […]

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Force Lazy Load Javascript

To improve performance, you can force lazy loading for JavaScript which takes a long time to load. Enter specific words, IDs from inline script tags, or parts of script URLs in the provided section. For example, you might use identifiers like “Facebook” or “Instagram” to target and lazy load those scripts. This helps reduce loading […]

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Enable PNG Webp support

This feature will convert and render your PNG images in the WebP format. To use it, make sure to start image optimization in the Image Optimization tab. The W3Speedster Plugin will handle the optimization for all PNG images, enhancing your site’s performance […]

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W3speedster Inner JS Exclude

Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude Description: Exclude the script tag from lazy loading, which is present in the pages view source. Parameter: $inner_js = The script tag s content is visible in the page s view source $exclude_js_bool = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ if(strpos($inner_js,’Script text’) !== false){ $exclude_js_bool= 1; } return $exclude_js_bool; } function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ […]

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