Exclude Link Tag CSS from Optimization

With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can exclude specific CSS files from lazy loading and minification by entering their URLs in the relevant section. For example, if you have a CSS file like xyz.css that you do not want to optimize, simply provide its URL to ensure it is left out of the optimization process. […]

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Exclude Pages From Optimization

To exclude specific pages from optimization, simply enter their URLs in the designated section. For example, you can list pages like /cart or /login that you do not wish to optimize. This ensures that these pages are left out of the optimization process while the rest of your site benefits from performance improvements. […]

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Exclude Images from Lazy Loading

To prevent specific images from being lazy-loaded, you can exclude them by providing their URL, class name, ID, or alt attribute in the designated section. For example, you can enter “xyz.png” for a specific image or “nolazy” for images with a particular class name. This allows those images to load normally while others benefit from […]

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Preload Resources

If you want to preload resources such as images, CSS, JavaScript, or fonts, simply enter the complete URL of each resource in the ‘Preload Resources’ section. Each URL should be on a separate line. This ensures that the specified resources are loaded ahead of time, which can improve your site’s performance. […]

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Load Javascript Inline Script as URL

Enter the matching text of the inline script URLs that you want to exclude from deferring JavaScript. Each exclusion should be entered on a new line. This allows you to specify which inline scripts should not be deferred, ensuring they load immediately to maintain essential functionality. […]

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Lazyload Javascript

This option allows you to choose when to load JavaScript on your site. Enabling lazy loading for JavaScript can improve your site’s initial loading speed by deferring the loading of JavaScript files until they are needed. Select “Yes” to enable lazy loading, or “No” to load JavaScript files immediately with the rest of your site’s […]

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Load Style Tag in Head to Avoid CLS

This feature allows style tags to load in the head section, fixing the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) of the page. To use it, simply add the ID of each style tag in the provided box and save your changes. Ensure that each style tag ID is entered on a new line. […]

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