Function: W3SpeedsterExcludeCssFilter Description: If you want to dynamically exclude a CSS file from optimization, W3Speedster allows you to exclude it from optimization (like style.css). Parameter: $exclude_css – 0(default) || 1 $css_obj – link tag in object format. $css – Content of the CSS file you want to make changes in. $html – content of the […]
Doc Category: Cake PHP
W3speedster Prevent Htaccess Generation
Function: w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration. Description: Our plugin converts .jpg/.png format to WebP format without changing the URL. it disable webp to render from HTACCESS. Parameter: $preventHtaccess = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 – It will add w3.webp at the end of the url for instance (xyz.jpgw3.webp). function w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration($preventHtaccess){ $preventHtaccess = 1; return $preventHtaccess; } function w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration($preventHtaccess){ $preventHtaccess […]
W3speedster Customize Image
Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeImage Description: Customize image tags. Parameter: $img = Image tag with all attributes $imgnn = Modified image tag by plugin $imgnn_arr = Image tag attributes array Return: $imgnn- Customized image tags function w3SpeedsterCustomizeImage($imgnn,$img,$imgnn_arr){ if(strpos($imgnn,’alt’) != false){ $imgnn = str_replace(‘alt=””‘,’alt=”value”‘,$imgnn); } return $imgnn; } function w3SpeedsterCustomizeImage($imgnn,$img,$imgnn_arr){ if(strpos($imgnn,’alt’) != false){ $imgnn = str_replace(‘alt=””‘,’alt=”value”‘,$imgnn); } return $imgnn; […]
W3speedster Exclude Image To Lazyload
Function: w3SpeedsterExcludeImageToLazyload Description: W3Speedster allows you to exclude the images from optimization dynamically which you don’t want to lazyload. Parameter: $exclude_image = 0(default) || 1 $img = Image tag with all attributes $imgnn_arr = Image tag Return: 1 – it will lazy load the image. 0 – it will not lazy load the image. function […]
W3speedster Change Iframe To Iframlazy
Function: w3SpeedsterIframetoIframelazy Description: Change iframe tag to iframlazy tag. Parameter: $iframelazy- 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 – Change iframe tag to iframlazy tag. function w3SpeedsterIframetoIframelazy($iframelazy){ $iframelazy = 1; return $iframelazy; } function w3SpeedsterIframetoIframelazy($iframelazy){ $iframelazy = 1; return $iframelazy; } […]
W3speedster Change Video To Videolazy
Function: w3SpeedsterVideoToVideoLazy Description: Change video tag to videolazy tag Parameter: $videolazy- 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 – Change video tag to videolazy tag. function w3SpeedsterVideoToVideoLazy($videolazy){ $videolazy= 1; return $videolazy; } function w3SpeedsterVideoToVideoLazy($videolazy){ $videolazy= 1; return $videolazy; } […]
W3speedster Seprate Critical Css For Category
Function: W3speedsterCriticalCssOfCategory Description: W3Speedster Create seprate critical css for categories pages. Parameter: $separate_cat_css- Array of Category. Return: $separate_cat_css – create separate critical css for each category and tag. function W3speedsterCriticalCssOfCategory($separate_cat_css){ $separate_cat_css = array(‘category’,’tag’,’custom-category’); return $separate_cat_css; } function W3speedsterCriticalCssOfCategory($separate_cat_css){ $separate_cat_css = array(‘category’,’tag’,’custom-category’); return $separate_cat_css; } […]
W3speedster Seprate Critical Css For Post Type
Function: w3SpeedsterCreateSeprateCssOfPostType Description: By default our plugin creates a single critical css for post but If you wish to generate separate critical CSS for post. W3Speedster allows you to create critical CSS separately post-wise. Parameter: $separate_post_css- Array of post types. Return: $separate_post_css – create separate critical css for each post and page. function w3SpeedsterCreateSeprateCssOfPostType($separate_post_css){ $separate_post_css […]
W3speedster Customize Main Settings
Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeMainSettings Description: Customize plugin main settings. Parameter: $settings- Plugin main settings array (like: exclude css, cache path etc ) Return: $settings function w3SpeedsterCustomizeMainSettings($settings){ $settings[‘setting_name’] = value; return $settings; } function w3SpeedsterCustomizeMainSettings($settings){ $settings[‘setting_name’] = value; return $settings; } […]
W3speedster Customize Add Settings
Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeAddSettings Description: If you wish to change in variables and paths (URL), W3Speedster allows you to make changes in variables and paths with the help of this plugin function. Parameter: $add_settings- settings of the plugin. Return: :$add_settings – reflect the changes made in variable and path. function w3SpeedsterCustomizeAddSettings($add_settings){ $add_settings = str_replace(array(“mob.css”),array(“mobile.css”), $add_settings); return $add_settings; […]