Exclude Background Images from Lazy Loading

Enabling this option ensures that background images are excluded from lazy loading. This allows background images to load immediately, ensuring they are displayed without delay, which is especially important for maintaining visual consistency and providing a seamless user experience. This feature is ideal for pages where background images play a critical role in design or […]

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Clear Cache when Page or Post is Updated

Enabling this option ensures that the cache is automatically cleared whenever a page or post is updated. This guarantees that visitors always see the most up-to-date version of your content, improving accuracy and consistency. By keeping your cached files in sync with changes, this feature enhances both performance and user experience. […]

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What exactly does W3Speedster do?

W3Speedster is a WordPress performance optimization package with many features: CDN Integration HTML Caching Optimize images Lazy Loading WebP Support Minify CSS Minify JavaScript Defer parsing of JavaScript Serve scaled images Avoid CSS @import Exclusions Debug Site Google Fonts Optimization Delay JS How to find the best settings for your site? So, you’ve activated W3Speedster. […]

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Unistalling W3Speedster

Disable the Plugin: Remove the plugin from the src directory: Remove the added files: Remove the ‘W3speedsterMiddleware.php’ from the middleware folder. Comment the config: Remove or comment on the config line added while installing in Application.php from the root/src directory. Test Application: Verify that your application works correctly without the plugin. […]

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Updating W3Speedster

Updating download the updated version from my account page. Extract the folder in src directory of your project. Test the Update: Test your application to ensure the updated plugin works as expected. […]

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Installing W3Speedster

Download the extension zip: Download the zip provided on my account page of W3Speedster. Installing: extract the zip in the src directory of your Cakephp project Add the required files: Add the ‘W3speedsterMiddleware.php’ file to your middleware folder in the src directory if it does not exist create a folder named Middleware and add the […]

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Calculate Image

The module will analyze and identify the images within the specified directory that require optimization. Once the directory path is provided, it will evaluate all images contained in the directory to determine which ones can be optimized for better performance. This process ensures that only relevant images are selected for optimization, streamlining the workflow and […]

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Upload Directory Path for Images

Please enter the folder path where you have the images you want to optimize. Once you enter the folder path, all images in the directory will be processed and optimized automatically. This way, images are reduced in size without any loss of quality, making them more efficient for use in web or other applications. […]

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Exclude pages from HTML caching

Excluding specific pages from HTML caching ensures that these pages are always fetched directly from the server rather than from a cache. This approach is particularly useful for pages with dynamic content that changes frequently, user-specific pages, and sections of your site that must always display the most current data. […]

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Create Critical CSS via wp-cron

Enabling this option allows the plugin to generate critical CSS for your WordPress pages using WP-Cron. By leveraging WP-Cron, the plugin can systematically process each page, creating critical CSS at a controlled pace. This method ensures that server performance remains unaffected, as the CSS generation process is spread out over time […]

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