W3speedster Customize Critical Css

Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeCriticalCss Description: If you wish to make any changes in Critical CSS, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in generated Critical CSS. For instance if you want to replace/ remove any string/URL from critical CSS (like @font-face { font-family:”Courgette”; to @font-face { ) Parameter: $critical_css- Critical Css of the page. Return: $critical_css – Reflect […]

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Enable leverage browsing cache

The plugin also provides smart automatic functionality to enable leverage browser cache on your site, the plugin has an in-built response to the leverage cache, which it automatically implements in your site. […]

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Exclude Pages from CSS Optimization

To exclude specific pages from CSS optimization, enter the URL or a part of the URL where you do not want the CSS optimization to be applied. List each URL or URL fragment on a separate line to ensure those pages are excluded from the optimization process. […]

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Exclude Page from JavaScript Optimization

With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can exclude specific pages from JavaScript minification and lazy loading by entering the script URLs or parts of the script URLs. Simply list each URL or URL fragment on a separate line. This allows you to ensure that certain pages or scripts are not affected by the optimization process. […]

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Pixels to Load Resources Below the Viewport

The W3Speedster Plugin defaults to starting the loading of resources such as images, videos, iframes, background images, and audio when they are 200 pixels below the viewport. You can adjust this setting to start loading these resources earlier, so they appear more quickly as you scroll. For example, you can enter a value like 200 […]

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W3speedster Disable Htaccess Webp

Function: w3SpeedsterDisableHtaccessWebp Description: Our plugin converts .jpg/.png format to WebP format without changing the URL. it disable webp to render from HTACCESS. Parameter: $disable_htaccess_webp- 0(default) || 1 Return: It will add w3.webp at the end of the url for instance (xyz.jpgw3.webp). function w3SpeedsterDisableHtaccessWebp($disable_htaccess_webp){ $disable_htaccess_webp = 1 return $disable_htaccess_webp; } function w3SpeedsterDisableHtaccessWebp($disable_htaccess_webp){ $disable_htaccess_webp = 1 return […]

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Enable Gzip compression

Our plugin offers an automatic feature to enable Gzip compression on your site. When activated, it compresses your site’s files to reduce their size and improve load times. This functionality is implemented automatically but will only work on servers running Apache. […]

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Load SVG Inline Tag as URL

Load SVGs as URLs instead of inline tags to avoid creating large DOM elements. This approach helps improve performance by reducing the size of the DOM and simplifying your page structure. […]

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