Getting Started
Getting Started
Installation W3Speedster
Unzip the Magento archive you have and start the installation process of the Magento extension by uploading the complete extension folder using FileZilla Software. Make sure your uploaded folder must go in the /root/app/code.
Once you upload your Magento extension, you’ll now have to run the below commands through the terminal in the extension root directory.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
Now you are ready to enjoy your licensed w3speedster Magento extension.
Follow the extension settings using our guide:
Uninstalling W3Speedster
Identify the Extension
First, confirm that the W3Speedster extension is installed by checking the Magento extension list:
php bin/magento module:status
Look for an entry like W3Speedster_W3Speedster (or similar). This confirms the extension is installed and enabled.
Disable the Extension
To prepare for uninstallation, disable the extension:
php bin/magento module:disable W3Speedster_W3Speedster
- Replace W3Speedster_W3Speedster with the actual module name if it differs.
- This command prevents Magento from loading the extension's files.
Unregister the Extension
Remove the extension from the system using the composer command. Depending on how the extension was installed, the process differs:
If Installed via Composer:
Remove the extension with Composer:
composer remove w3speedster/w3speedster
This removes the package files and updates the composer.json and composer.lock files.
Regenerate the autoloader:
composer dump-autoload
If Installed Manually (from a ZIP file or manually placed in app/code):
Delete the module files from app/code:
rm -rf app/code/W3Speedster/W3Speedster
Ensure no residual files are left in the codebase.
Remove Data from Database
If the extension added database changes, such as tables, fields, or configuration settings, clean them up:
Run the setup:upgrade Command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
This command ensures the database schema is updated to exclude the removed extension.
Manually Clean the Database (if needed): Check for tables, rows, or configuration entries added by the extension. Common places to look:
- Custom tables (e.g., w3speedster_*).
- core_config_data table for configuration entries.
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE 'w3speedster/%';
Clear Cache
Clear the Magento cache to ensure no references to the extension remain:
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
Verify Uninstallation
Check the Module Status:
php bin/magento module:status
Ensure the W3Speedster_W3Speedster module is no longer listed.
Test the Application:
- Verify that your Magento store is functioning correctly.
- Ensure there are no errors related to the W3Speedster module.
What exactly does W3Speedster do?
W3Speedster is a WordPress performance optimization plugin with many features:
- CDN Integration
- Optimize images
- Lazy Loading
- WebP Support
- Minify CSS
- Minify JavaScript
- Defer parsing of JavaScript
- Serve scaled images
- Avoid CSS @import
- Exclusions
- Debug Site
- Google Fonts Optimization
- Delay JS
How to find the best settings for your site?
So, you’ve activated W3Speedster. And now you’re wondering, “How do I get the best results for my site?”
Every site has a different theme, a different set of plugins, and different content. So the best settings will vary from site to site. In this article, you’ll learn the safest way to experiment with the most commonly used W3Speedster settings. The goal is always to make your site faster. And activating more options doesn’t always result in more speed. So don’t worry if you’re not able to turn everything on. To check if your site is faster, you should use a tool that tests load times. You can make use of tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools, or Google Developers PageSpeed Insights to test the load times of your website and get a detailed report. It’s a good idea to take some benchmark speed tests before you begin configuration, then again after you’re done applying optimizationsBest practices for configuration
When testing options in W3Speedster, please use the following process:
- Activate options one-at-a-time, not everything at once
- After each option that you activate, check your site in a browser window where you are not logged in to WordPress. An incognito/private window works well. By doing this you will be able to see immediately if a particular option causes any issue.
- Check a few types of pages on your site. If anything doesn’t look right, don’t panic! Disable the last option you activated and your site will return to normal.
Getting Started with Configuration
You can enable optimization to streamline your site's resources and improve loading times. Separating the cache ensures that different versions of your site, such as mobile and desktop, are stored and served efficiently. Integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) helps distribute your site's content across multiple servers, speeding up delivery to users worldwide. Enabling Gzip compression reduces the size of your site's files, further improving load times. Fixing Interactive Next Paint (INP) issues enhances your site's interactivity and responsiveness. Additionally, you can remove query parameters to simplify URLs and improve caching effectiveness.
CSS > CSS Optimization
You can enable CSS Minification so that W3Speedster minifies your CSS files. You can set rules of minification and even exclude CSS files from this minification process. You can also select when to load secondary CSS and whether you want to delay it
Javascript > JS Optimization
You can enable JS Minification from this tab to instruct W3Speedster to minimize JavaScript files. You can also Defer Parsing of JavaScript in this tab and exclude JS from combining. You can also choose when you want to load combined JavaScript and how much time do you want to delay JS tags by.
You can preload resources such as CSS and font files to ensure they load quickly when a user visits your site. You can exclude specific images from lazy loading to ensure they display immediately. Additionally, you have the ability to exclude certain pages, CSS, and JavaScript files from optimization if needed. For resources that consume significant data, you can also force lazy loading of CSS and JavaScript to improve initial page load times.
Custom Code
You can Write custom JS/CSS code which we need to load at the time of site loading. This allows you to apply specific styles and functionalities right from the start, ensuring that your custom code is executed immediately as your website loads.
Image Optimization
You can enable Lazy Loading for images, I-frames, and videos. We recommend activating LazyLoad, because it helps reduce the negative performance impact of images, by loading them only when the visitor scrolls down the page and actually needs to see them.
You can also enable automatic optimization of images when uploaded and exclude images from optimization if you want to.General Settings

License Key
To use your licensed plugin, you must enter a license key. This key is unique for each product and is automatically generated when your plugin order is completed. You will find the key in the "Order Completed" email from W3Speedster. Activating the key ensures you receive updates and access to all plugin features.
Turn On Optimization
When you turn on this field, the W3Speedster Plugin will optimize your site by applying all the optimization settings. If this settings is turned off, no settings in w3speedster plugin will apply except html caching.
Optimize pages with Query parameters
This enables the optimization to be shown on the pages with query parameters when the optimization is live. For eg. will show optimized page if this setting is turned on. It is recommended only for servers with high performance.
Optimize pages when User Logged In
Enabling this option will optimize pages even when a user is logged in. Use this feature with caution, as it may affect the performance of dynamic or personalized content for logged-in users. Ensure that the optimization does not interfere with user-specific functionalities or content.
Separate javascript and CSS cache for mobile
This will create separate JavaScript and CSS cache for mobile. All css and javascript files will have mob.css at the end only for mobile(.css for desktop) and also separate Critical CSS will be created for Mobile and desktop.
Fix INP Issues
"Fix INP Issues" refers to addressing problems related to the "Interactive Next Paint" metric. By enabling this feature, you can resolve issues identified in Google PageSpeed Insights and/or Google Search Console related to the time it takes for your site to become fully interactive. This helps improve your website's performance and user experience.
Cache Path
The cache of the W3Speedster Plugin is automatically generated inside the cache folder of the WP Content Folder and if you wish to change the path you can change it by putting the full path in this section.
CDN Settings

Enter the CDN (Content Delivery Network) URL that you have purchased for your site. This URL will be used to serve static assets like images, CSS, and JavaScript files, helping to improve your site's performance and load times by distributing content across multiple servers.
Exclude file extensions from cdn
During the implementation of the CDN, our plugin provides a section to exclude the specific extensions so that the functionality of site is not hampered, for instance, excluding ‘Font Extensions’ like (.woff, .ttf, .eot, .woff2) might be required because cross origin request for fonts are not allowed in many sites and allowing of fonts from external source has to done manually.
Exclude path from cdn
During the implementation of the CDN, our plugin provides a section to exclude the specific paths so that the work of the plugin is not hampered, for instance, excluding ‘/wp-includes/’.
Image Optimization

Optimize JPG/PNG Images
Enable image optimization by clicking the button. Once activated, images will be optimized in the background through wp-cron, provided the ‘Optimize Images via wp-cron’ option is enabled. This process helps improve your site’s performance by compressing images without losing quality.
JPG/PNG Image Quality
The W3Speedster Plugin maintains a standard image quality of 90% to preserve the clarity of your images. However, you can adjust this setting to meet your preferences, balancing image quality with file size according to your needs.
Enable JPG Webp support
This feature will convert and render your JPG images in the WebP format. To use it, make sure to start image optimization in the Image Optimization tab. The W3Speedster Plugin will handle the optimization for all JPG images, enhancing your site’s performance
Enable PNG Webp support
This feature will convert and render your PNG images in the WebP format. To use it, make sure to start image optimization in the Image Optimization tab. The W3Speedster Plugin will handle the optimization for all PNG images, enhancing your site’s performance
WebP Image Quality
The W3Speedster Plugin uses a standard quality of 90% for WebP images to maintain their clarity. You can adjust this setting to suit your needs, balancing image quality with file size.
Enable Image lazy Load
The W3Speedster Plugin allows you to enable lazy loading for images. This feature ensures that images are loaded only as they come into the user's viewport, significantly improving your site's performance and reducing initial load times.
Enable Iframe lazy Load
With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can also enable lazy loading for iframes. By delaying the loading of iframes until they are needed, your site can load faster, offering a smoother and more efficient user experience.
Enable Video lazy Load
Enable lazy loading for videos using the W3Speedster Plugin. This feature loads video content only when it becomes necessary, helping to speed up your site's initial load time and provide a better performance overall.
Enable Audio lazy Load
Enable lazy loading for audio using the W3Speedster Plugin. This feature loads audio content only when it becomes necessary, helping to speed up your site's initial load time and provide a better performance overall.
Pixels to Load Resources Below the Viewport
The W3Speedster Plugin defaults to starting the loading of resources such as images, videos, iframes, background images, and audio when they are 200 pixels below the viewport. You can adjust this setting to start loading these resources earlier, so they appear more quickly as you scroll. For example, you can enter a value like 200 to set the distance from the viewport where loading begins.
Optimize Images on the Go
This feature automatically optimizes images as site pages are crawled. The W3Speedster Plugin captures unconverted and unoptimized images when you visit a page and optimizes them in the background. This ensures that all images used on the site are prioritized for optimization. However, it is recommended to turn off this feature after the initial crawl and optimization to prevent unnecessary server load.
Automatically Optimize Images on Upload
This feature automatically optimizes and converts new images to WebP format as soon as they are uploaded. If you notice that image uploads are taking longer than expected, you may want to turn off this feature. Ensure that the settings for image optimization and WebP conversion are also enabled to use this feature effectively.
Responsive Images
The W3Speedster Plugin creates responsive images that adjust the background image of your webpage based on the user’s screen size, such as mobile, tablet, or desktop. This ensures that your images look optimal on all devices.
Insert Aspect Ratio in img Tag
This feature allows you to specify the aspect ratio for images directly within the img tag. By including the aspect ratio, you ensure that the space for the image is reserved on the page even before the image is fully loaded. This helps prevent layout shifts and improves the overall user experience by maintaining consistent image dimensions across different devices and screen sizes.
Start Image Optimization
By starting image optimization, the plugin will compress and optimize images on your site to enhance performance.
- Free Version: The first 500 images will be optimized.
- Pro Version: Unlimited images will be optimized.
CSS Optimization

Enable CSS Optimization
Enable this to start CSS optimiation. All css optimization like minification, critical css generation, custom css etc will show only when this option is turned on.
Combine Google fonts
The W3Speedster Plugin loads and combines all Google Fonts used on your site and loads it together preventing multiple requests. If critical css is generated, all required google fonts are loaded instantly and rest are lazyloaded ie. loads on user interaction. If you still want to load any font upfront and then you can write its css in custom css code section provided by the plugin.
Delay google fonts by
Delaying Google Fonts improves initial page load speed by reducing render-blocking requests, enhancing perceived performance and user experience, especially on slower connections.
Load Critical CSS
The W3Speedster Plugin generates Critical CSS which loads upfront and let all css files to load to user interaction enabling faster loading of the page.
Load Critical CSS in Style Tag
This option will load critical css in style tag instead of link tag. This option is not recommended for site with large page size. Implementing CDN will help a lot in speeding of site if this option is not enabled.
Loading secondary CSS
Loading secondary CSS after page load prioritizes critical content, speeding up initial rendering. Loading it on page load ensures all styles are immediately available, enhancing the user experience.
Start generating critical CSS
This feature creates critical CSS for your website to improve page load performance. Just click on the button, it will automatically crawl almost all the pages and create critical css on its own. Critical css generation is pretty fast like 10-15 mins but may take more time with site with thousand of pages. In the Free Version, critical CSS will be generated only for the homepage. With the Pro Version (activated license key), unlimited critical CSS can be generated for your entire site.
Load Style Tag in Head to Avoid CLS
This feature allows style tags to load in the head section, fixing the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) of the page. To use it, simply add the ID of each style tag in the provided box and save your changes. Ensure that each style tag ID is entered on a new line.
Javascript Optimization

Enable Javascript Optimization
Enable this box to start JavaScript minification, a feature provided by the W3Speedster Plugin that optimizes your site's performance.
Lazyload Javascript
This option allows you to choose when to load JavaScript on your site. Enabling lazy loading for JavaScript can improve your site's initial loading speed by deferring the loading of JavaScript files until they are needed. Select "Yes" to enable lazy loading, or "No" to load JavaScript files immediately with the rest of your site's content. This helps balance performance and functionality based on your site's needs.
Load Javascript Inline Script as URL
Enter the matching text of the inline script URLs that you want to exclude from deferring JavaScript. Each exclusion should be entered on a new line. This allows you to specify which inline scripts should not be deferred, ensuring they load immediately to maintain essential functionality.
Load Combined Javascript
Load the minified and combined js ‘on page load’ or ‘after page load’. Use after page load to score better on google page speed insights or other speed tools. However please use the ‘after page load’ option very carefully.

Preload Resources
If you want to preload resources such as images, CSS, JavaScript, or fonts, simply enter the complete URL of each resource in the 'Preload Resources' section. Each URL should be on a separate line. This ensures that the specified resources are loaded ahead of time, which can improve your site's performance.
Exclude Images from Lazy Loading
To prevent specific images from being lazy-loaded, you can exclude them by providing their URL, class name, ID, or alt attribute in the designated section. For example, you can enter "xyz.png" for a specific image or "nolazy" for images with a particular class name. This allows those images to load normally while others benefit from lazy loading.
Exclude Background Images from Lazy Loading
Enabling this option ensures that background images are excluded from lazy loading. This allows background images to load immediately, ensuring they are displayed without delay, which is especially important for maintaining visual consistency and providing a seamless user experience. This feature is ideal for pages where background images play a critical role in design or content presentation.
Exclude Link Tag CSS from Optimization
With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can exclude specific CSS files from lazy loading and minification by entering their URLs in the relevant section. For example, if you have a CSS file like xyz.css that you do not want to optimize, simply provide its URL to ensure it is left out of the optimization process.
Force Lazy Load Link Tag CSS
To optimize files that consume excessive data, you can use the W3Speedster Plugin to force lazy loading for those CSS files. For example, you might want to lazy load files like FontAwesome.css or Icons.css. This helps improve performance by delaying the loading of these large CSS files until they are needed.
Force Lazy Load Javascript
To improve performance, you can force lazy loading for JavaScript which takes a long time to load. Enter specific words, IDs from inline script tags, or parts of script URLs in the provided section. For example, you might use identifiers like "Facebook" or "Instagram" to target and lazy load those scripts. This helps reduce loading times and improves your performance score.
Exclude Javascript Tags from Lazyload
With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can exclude specific JavaScript files from lazy loading and minification by entering their URLs in the relevant section. For example, if you have a JavaScript file like xyz.js that you do not want to lazy load or minify, simply provide its URL. This ensures those scripts are loaded normally while other scripts benefit from optimization.
Exclude Inline JavaScript from Lazy Load
This feature allows you to exclude specific inline JavaScript from being lazy-loaded. For example, you might want to exclude scripts like ‘Google Analytics’ to ensure they load immediately and function correctly without delay. This helps maintain essential functionalities while still benefiting from lazy loading for other scripts.
Exclude Pages From Optimization
To exclude specific pages from optimization, simply enter their URLs in the designated section. For example, you can list pages like /cart or /login that you do not wish to optimize. This ensures that these pages are left out of the optimization process while the rest of your site benefits from performance improvements.
Exclude Pages from CSS Optimization
To exclude specific pages from CSS optimization, enter the URL or a part of the URL where you do not want the CSS optimization to be applied. List each URL or URL fragment on a separate line to ensure those pages are excluded from the optimization process.
Exclude Page from JavaScript Optimization
With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can exclude specific pages from JavaScript minification and lazy loading by entering the script URLs or parts of the script URLs. Simply list each URL or URL fragment on a separate line. This allows you to ensure that certain pages or scripts are not affected by the optimization process.
Custom Code

Custom CSS to Load on Page Load
If you wish to preload any custom CSS that should be applied immediately when the page loads, add it in this section without including the <style>
tags. This CSS will only take effect when CSS optimization is enabled, ensuring that your custom styles are loaded efficiently along with the optimized CSS.
Custom JavaScript to Load on Page Load
If you wish to preload any JavaScript, add the code in this section without including the <script>
tags. Enter the JavaScript code that needs to be loaded before the page fully loads.
You have two options for loading:
- As File: Loads the script as a file.
- Defer: Defers loading of the script until after the initial page load.
Custom JavaScript to Load After Page Load
If you wish to load any JavaScript after the page has fully loaded or based on user interaction, add the code in this section without including the <script>
tags. This JavaScript will be executed after the page load, ensuring it does not interfere with the initial rendering of the page. Enter the JavaScript code that should run post-page load in this section.
Plugin Hooks
W3speedster Before Start Optimization
Function: | w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization |
Description: | W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site before actually starting the optimization. For instance replace or add in html. |
Parameter: | $html = $html – full html of the page. |
Return: | 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. |
function w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization($html){
$html = str_replace(array(""),array(""), $html);
return $html;
W3speedster After Optimization
Function: | w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization |
Description: | W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site after the page is optimized by the plugin. For instance replace or add in html. |
Parameter: | $html – full html of the page. |
Return: | 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. |
function w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization($html){
$html = str_replace(array('image.png'),array('image-100x100.png'), $html);
return $html;
W3speedster Inner JS Customize
Function: | w3SpeedsterInnerJsCustomize |
Description: | If you want to make changes in your inline JavaScript, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in Inline JavaScript (for instance making changes in inline script you have to enter the unique text from the script to identify the script). |
Parameter: | $script_text- The content of the script. |
Return: | $script_text – Content of the script after changes. |
function w3SpeedsterInnerJsCustomize($script_text){
if(strpos($script_text'//unique word from script//') !== false){
$script_text = str_replace('jQuery(window)', 'jQuery(document)',$script_text);
return $script_text;
W3speedster Inner JS Exclude
Function: | w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude |
Description: | Exclude the script tag from lazy loading, which is present in the pages view source. |
Parameter: | $inner_js = The script tag s content is visible in the page s view source $exclude_js_bool = 0(default) || 1 |
Return: | 1 |
function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){
if(strpos($inner_js,'Script text') !== false){
$exclude_js_bool= 1;
return $exclude_js_bool;
W3speedster Internal Css Customize
Function: | w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize |
Description: | If you want to make changes in your CSS file, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in stylesheet files. |
Parameter: | $css- Css content of the file. $path- path of css file. |
Return: | $css – make the required changes in CSS files. |
function w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize($css,$path){
if(strpos($path,' //cssPath // ') !== false){
$css = str_replace(' ',' ',$css);
return $css;
W3speedster Internal Css Minify
Function: | W3speedup_internal_css_minify |
Description: | If you don’t want to minify, W3Speedster allows you to exclude stylesheet files from minify. |
Parameter: | $path- path of css file. $css- Css content of the file. $css_minify- 0 || 1 (default) |
Return: | 1 – it will exclude the entered css file from minification. 0 – it will not exclude the entered css file from minification. |
function w3SpeedsterInternalCssMinify($path,$css,$css_minify){
if(strpos($path,'//cssPath//') !== false){
$css_minify = 0;
return $css_minify ;
W3speedster No Critical Css
Function: | w3SpeedsterNoCriticalCss |
Description: | W3Speedster allows you to exclude the pages from the Critical CSS (like search pages). |
Parameter: | $url- Stores the url of the page. $ignore_critical_css- 0 (default) || 1 |
Return: | 1 – it will exclude the page you do not wish to create critical CSS. |
function w3SpeedsterNoCriticalCss($url, $ignore_critical_css){
if(strpos($url,'/path/') !==false) {
$ignore_critical_css = 1;
return $ignore_critical_css;
W3speedster Customize Critical Css
Function: | w3SpeedsterCustomizeCriticalCss |
Description: | If you wish to make any changes in Critical CSS, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in generated Critical CSS. For instance if you want to replace/ remove any string/URL from critical CSS (like @font-face { font-family:”Courgette”; to @font-face { ) |
Parameter: | $critical_css- Critical Css of the page. |
Return: | $critical_css – Reflect the changes made in critical css. |
function w3SpeedsterCustomizeCriticalCss($critical_css){
$critical_css = str_replace('@font-face { font-family:"Courgette";', ' ',$critical_css);
return $critical_css;
W3speedster Customize Add Settings
Function: | w3SpeedsterCustomizeAddSettings |
Description: | If you wish to change in variables and paths (URL), W3Speedster allows you to make changes in variables and paths with the help of this plugin function. |
Parameter: | $add_settings- settings of the plugin. |
Return: | :$add_settings – reflect the changes made in variable and path. |
function w3SpeedsterCustomizeAddSettings($add_settings){
$add_settings = str_replace(array(“mob.css”),array(“mobile.css”), $add_settings);
return $add_settings;
W3speedster exclude from page CSS optimization
Function: | w3ExcludePagefromCssOptimization |
Description: | W3Speedster allows you to exclude the pages from the CSS Optimization. if you wish to exclude your pages from CSS optimization. (like cart/login pages). |
Parameter: | $html = Page viewsources content. |
Return: | True – it will exclude the page from optimization. False – it will not exclude the page from optimization. |
function w3ExcludePagefromCssOptimization($html){
if(strpos($html,'/*content*/') !== false{
return true;
return false;
W3speedster exclude page from JS optimization
Function: | w3ExcludePagefromJsOptimization |
Description: | W3Speedster allows you to exclude the pages from the JS Optimization. if you wish to exclude your pages from JS optimization. (like cart/login pages). |
Parameter: | $html = Page viewsources content. |
Return: | True – it will exclude the page from optimization. False – it will not exclude the page from optimization. |
function w3ExcludePagefromJsOptimization($html){
if(strpos($html,'/*content*/') !== false{
return true;
return false;