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Doc Category: Prestashop
W3speedster Customize Critical Css File Name
Function: W3SpeedsterCustomizeCriticalCssFileName Description: If you wish to make any changes in Critical CSS filename, W3Speedster allows you to change in critical CSS file names. W3Speedster creates file names for critical CSS files but if you wish to change the name according to your preference this function will help. Parameter: $file_name – File name of the […]
W3speedster Exclude Page Optimization
Function: W3SpeedsterExcludePageOptimization Description: W3Speedster allows you to exclude the pages from the Optimization. if you wish to exclude your pages from optimization. (like cart/login pages). Parameter: $html = Page viewsources content. $exclude_page_optimization = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 – it will exclude the page from optimization. 0 – it will not exclude the page from […]
W3speedster Exclude Internal Js W3 Changes
Function: W3SpeedsterExcludeInternalJsW3Changes Description: Our plugin makes changes in JavaScript files for optimization, if you do not want to make any changes in JavaScript file, W3Speedster allows you to exclude JavaScript files from the plugin to make any changes. Parameter: $path- path of your script tags url $string – JavaScript files content. $exclude_from_w3_changes = 0(default) || […]
W3speedster Customize Script Object
Function: W3SpeedsterCustomizeScriptObject Description: W3Speedster allows you to customize script objects while minifying and combining scripts. Parameter: $script_obj- Script in object format. $script- Content of the JS file you want to make changes in Return: $script_obj– Make changes in Js files. function W3SpeedsterCustomizeScriptObject($script_obj, $script){ // your code return $script_obj; } function W3SpeedsterCustomizeScriptObject($script_obj, $script){ // your code […]
W3speedster External Javascript Filter
Function: W3SpeedsterExternalJavascriptFilter Description: If you want to dynamically exclude a JavaScript file or inline script from optimization, W3Speedster allows you to exclude it from optimization (like revslider). Parameter: $exclude_js – 0(default) || 1 $script_obj – Script in object format. $script – Content of the JS file you want to make changes in.$html – content of […]
W3speedster External Javascript Customize
Function: W3SpeedsterExternalJavascriptCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your external JavaScript tags, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in external JavaScript tags. Parameter: $script_obj – Script in object format. $script – Content of the JS file you want to make changes in Return: $script_obj – Make changes in Js files from an external […]
W3speedster Customize Force Lazyload Css
Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeForceLazyCss. Description: If you wish to Force Lazyload CSS files dynamically for a specific page or pages, you can do so with the W3Speedster, it allows you to dynamically force lazyload stylesheet files (for instance font file like awesome, dashicons and css files). Parameter: $force_lazyload_css – Array containing text to force lazyload which you […]
W3speedster Exclude CSS Filter
Function: W3SpeedsterExcludeCssFilter Description: If you want to dynamically exclude a CSS file from optimization, W3Speedster allows you to exclude it from optimization (like style.css). Parameter: $exclude_css – 0(default) || 1 $css_obj – link tag in object format. $css – Content of the CSS file you want to make changes in. $html – content of the […]
W3speedster Prevent Htaccess Generation
Function: w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration. Description: Our plugin converts .jpg/.png format to WebP format without changing the URL. it disable webp to render from HTACCESS. Parameter: $preventHtaccess = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 – It will add w3.webp at the end of the url for instance (xyz.jpgw3.webp). function w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration($preventHtaccess){ $preventHtaccess = 1; return $preventHtaccess; } function w3SpeedsterPreventHtaccessGeneration($preventHtaccess){ $preventHtaccess […]