The W3Speedster Plugin creates responsive images that adjust the background image of your webpage based on the user’s screen size, such as mobile, tablet, or desktop. This ensures that your images look optimal on all devices. […]
Doc Category: Magento
Automatically Optimize Images on Upload
This feature automatically optimizes and converts new images to WebP format as soon as they are uploaded. If you notice that image uploads are taking longer than expected, you may want to turn off this feature. Ensure that the settings for image optimization and WebP conversion are also enabled to use this feature effectively. […]
Optimize Images on the Go
This feature automatically optimizes images as site pages are crawled. The W3Speedster Plugin captures unconverted and unoptimized images when you visit a page and optimizes them in the background. This ensures that all images used on the site are prioritized for optimization. However, it is recommended to turn off this feature after the initial crawl […]
Pixels to Load Resources Below the Viewport
The W3Speedster Plugin defaults to starting the loading of resources such as images, videos, iframes, background images, and audio when they are 200 pixels below the viewport. You can adjust this setting to start loading these resources earlier, so they appear more quickly as you scroll. For example, you can enter a value like 200 […]
WebP Image Quality
The W3Speedster Plugin uses a standard quality of 90% for WebP images to maintain their clarity. You can adjust this setting to suit your needs, balancing image quality with file size. […]
JPG/PNG Image Quality
The W3Speedster Plugin maintains a standard image quality of 90% to preserve the clarity of your images. However, you can adjust this setting to meet your preferences, balancing image quality with file size according to your needs. […]
Optimize JPG/PNG Images
Enable image optimization by clicking the button. Once activated, images will be optimized in the background through wp-cron, provided the ‘Optimize Images via wp-cron’ option is enabled. This process helps improve your site’s performance by compressing images without losing quality. […]
Image Optimization
Custom JavaScript to Load After Page Load
If you wish to load any JavaScript after the page has fully loaded or based on user interaction, add the code in this section without including the <script> tags. This JavaScript will be executed after the page load, ensuring it does not interfere with the initial rendering of the page. Enter the JavaScript code that […]
Custom JavaScript to Load on Page Load
If you wish to preload any JavaScript, add the code in this section without including the <script> tags. Enter the JavaScript code that needs to be loaded before the page fully loads. You have two options for loading: As File: Loads the script as a file. Defer: Defers loading of the script until after the […]