Function: w3SpeedsterCustomizeCriticalCss Description: If you wish to make any changes in Critical CSS, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in generated Critical CSS. For instance if you want to replace/ remove any string/URL from critical CSS (like @font-face { font-family:”Courgette”; to @font-face { ) Parameter: $critical_css- Critical Css of the page. Return: $critical_css – Reflect […]
Doc Category: Magento
W3speedster No Critical Css
Function: w3SpeedsterNoCriticalCss Description: W3Speedster allows you to exclude the pages from the Critical CSS (like search pages). Parameter: $url- Stores the url of the page.$ignore_critical_css- 0 (default) || 1 Return: 1 – it will exclude the page you do not wish to create critical CSS. function w3SpeedsterNoCriticalCss($url, $ignore_critical_css){ if(strpos($url,’/path/’) !==false) { $ignore_critical_css = 1; } […]
W3speedster Internal Css Minify
Function: W3speedup_internal_css_minify Description: If you don’t want to minify, W3Speedster allows you to exclude stylesheet files from minify. Parameter: $path- path of css file.$css- Css content of the file.$css_minify- 0 || 1 (default) Return: 1 – it will exclude the entered css file from minification.0 – it will not exclude the entered css file from […]
W3speedster Internal Css Customize
Function: w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your CSS file, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in stylesheet files. Parameter: $css- Css content of the file. $path- path of css file. Return: $css – make the required changes in CSS files. function w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize($css,$path){ if(strpos($path,’ //cssPath // ‘) !== false){ $css = str_replace(‘ […]
W3speedster Inner JS Exclude
Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude Description: Exclude the script tag from lazy loading, which is present in the pages view source. Parameter: $inner_js = The script tag s content is visible in the page s view source $exclude_js_bool = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ if(strpos($inner_js,’Script text’) !== false){ $exclude_js_bool= 1; } return $exclude_js_bool; } function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ […]
W3speedster Inner JS Customize
Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your inline JavaScript, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in Inline JavaScript (for instance making changes in inline script you have to enter the unique text from the script to identify the script). Parameter: $script_text- The content of the script. Return: $script_text – Content of […]
W3speedster After Optimization
Function: w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization Description: W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site after the page is optimized by the plugin. For instance replace or add in html. Parameter: $html – full html of the page. Return: 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. function w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(array(‘image.png’),array(‘image-100×100.png’), […]
W3speedster Before Start Optimization
Function: w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization Description: W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site before actually starting the optimization. For instance replace or add in html. Parameter: $html = $html – full html of the page. Return: 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. function w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(array(“”),array(“”), $html); […]
Start Image Optimization
By starting image optimization, the plugin will compress and optimize images on your site to enhance performance. Free Version: The first 500 images will be optimized. Pro Version: Unlimited images will be optimized. Activate the Pro Version to remove the limit and optimize all images on your site. […]
Insert Aspect Ratio in img Tag
This feature allows you to specify the aspect ratio for images directly within the img tag. By including the aspect ratio, you ensure that the space for the image is reserved on the page even before the image is fully loaded. This helps prevent layout shifts and improves the overall user experience by maintaining consistent […]