Enabling this option ensures that background images are excluded from lazy loading. This allows background images to load immediately, ensuring they are displayed without delay, which is especially important for maintaining visual consistency and providing a seamless user experience. This feature is ideal for pages where background images play a critical role in design or […]
Doc Category: Drupal
What exactly does W3Speedster do?
W3Speedster is a WordPress performance optimization plugin with many features: CDN Integration Optimize images Lazy Loading WebP Support Minify CSS Minify JavaScript Defer parsing of JavaScript Serve scaled images Avoid CSS @import Exclusions Debug Site Google Fonts Optimization Delay JS How to find the best settings for your site? So, you’ve activated W3Speedster. And now […]
Calculate Image
The module will analyze and identify the images within the specified directory that require optimization. Once the directory path is provided, it will evaluate all images contained in the directory to determine which ones can be optimized for better performance. This process ensures that only relevant images are selected for optimization, streamlining the workflow and […]
Upload Directory Path for Images
Please enter the folder path where you have the images you want to optimize. Once you enter the folder path, all images in the directory will be processed and optimized automatically. This way, images are reduced in size without any loss of quality, making them more efficient for use in web or other applications. […]
Enable Audio lazy Load
Enable lazy loading for audio using the W3Speedster Plugin. This feature loads audio content only when it becomes necessary, helping to speed up your site’s initial load time and provide a better performance overall. […]
Can’t upload/install W3Speedster
1. Check Compatibility Drupal Version: Ensure the module is compatible with your Drupal version. PHP Version: Check if the module requires a specific PHP version. 2. Read Error Messages Details: Carefully read the error message displayed. It often provides clues about what went wrong. Log Messages: Check the log messages by navigating to Reports > […]
Updating W3Speedster
Go to Update: Log in to your Drupal site as an administrator. Navigate to Manage > Reports > Available updates. Check for Updates: Click on the Check manually button to ensure you have the latest update status. Update the Module: If updates are available, click on the Update tab. Select the modules you want to […]
Installation W3Speedster
Go to Extend: Log in to your Drupal site as an administrator. Navigate to Manage > Extend. Install New Module: Click on the Install new module button. upload it from your computer. Click on Install. Enable the Module: Once installed, you will be redirected back to the Extend page. Find the newly installed module in […]
Enable Video lazy Load
Enable lazy loading for videos using the W3Speedster Plugin. This feature loads video content only when it becomes necessary, helping to speed up your site’s initial load time and provide a better performance overall. […]
Enable Iframe lazy Load
With the W3Speedster Plugin, you can also enable lazy loading for iframes. By delaying the loading of iframes until they are needed, your site can load faster, offering a smoother and more efficient user experience. […]