Function: w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your CSS file, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in stylesheet files. Parameter: $css- Css content of the file. $path- path of css file. Return: $css – make the required changes in CSS files. function w3SpeedsterInternalCssCustomize($css,$path){ if(strpos($path,’ //cssPath // ‘) !== false){ $css = str_replace(‘ […]
Doc Category: Core PHP
W3speedster Internal JS Customize
Function: w3SpeedsterInternalJsCustomize Description: If you wish to make changes in JavaScript files, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in JavaScript Files. Parameter: $path- Path of the JS file. $string – javascript you want to make changes in. Return: $string– make changes in the internal JS file. function w3SpeedsterInternalJsCustomize($string,$path){ if(strpos($path,’//js path//’) !== false){ $string = str_replace(“jQuery(windw)”, […]
W3speedster Inner JS Exclude
Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude Description: Exclude the script tag from lazy loading, which is present in the pages view source. Parameter: $inner_js = The script tag s content is visible in the page s view source $exclude_js_bool = 0(default) || 1 Return: 1 function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ if(strpos($inner_js,’Script text’) !== false){ $exclude_js_bool= 1; } return $exclude_js_bool; } function w3SpeedsterInnerJsExclude($exclude_js_bool,$inner_js){ […]
W3speedster Inner JS Customize
Function: w3SpeedsterInnerJsCustomize Description: If you want to make changes in your inline JavaScript, W3Speedster allows you to make changes in Inline JavaScript (for instance making changes in inline script you have to enter the unique text from the script to identify the script). Parameter: $script_text- The content of the script. Return: $script_text – Content of […]
W3speedster After Optimization
Function: w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization Description: W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site after the page is optimized by the plugin. For instance replace or add in html. Parameter: $html – full html of the page. Return: 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. function w3SpeedsterAfterOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(array(‘image.png’),array(‘image-100×100.png’), […]
W3speedster Before Start Optimization
Function: w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization Description: W3Speedster allows you to make changes to the HTML on your site before actually starting the optimization. For instance replace or add in html. Parameter: $html = $html – full html of the page. Return: 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. function w3SpeedsterBeforeStartOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(array(“”),array(“”), $html); […]
W3speedster Pre Start Optimization
Function: w3SpeedsterPreStartOptimization Description: Modify page content pre optimization. Parameter: $html = Content visible in pages view source. Return: 1 – Reflect the changes done in html of the page. function w3SpeedsterPreStartOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(‘Existing content’,’Changed content’,$html); return $html; } function w3SpeedsterPreStartOptimization($html){ $html = str_replace(‘Existing content’,’Changed content’,$html); return $html; } […]
Export Settings
To export your settings, copy the code provided on the W3Speedster Plugin’s export page and save it in a file. This allows you to back up your configuration or transfer it to another site, ensuring that your settings can be easily restored or applied in the future. […]
Import Settings
To import settings into the W3Speedster Plugin, enter the exported JSON code from the plugin’s import/export page. This allows you to apply previously saved configuration settings to your current setup, ensuring consistency and saving time when transferring settings between different sites or environments. […]
Import / Export